
Monday, September 26, 2011

Hiking -- Redmond's Watershed Preserve Trails -- Redmond, WA

    The Watershed Preserve trails are nestled on the outskirts of Redmond's downtown area; here you'll find dozens of trails to hike, mountain bike and trail ride. The park is over 800 acres and gives a person a secluded "out of the city" feel by traveling less than a quarter of a mile into the woods.
    The main trail from the parking lot allows hiking, biking, and trail riding, but do be aware that many of the narrower trails are aimed just for hikers--just watch the signs. The grade of the trails is surprisingly level and the scenery is very relaxing; you'll be surrounded by trees and pockets of meadow as you journey along. There are also several ponds and streams throughout the park, if you're lucky you might find a Great Blue Heron fishing.
One of the many ponds in the park

    This park is a great place to spend a couple of hours or all day exploring the trails. We were surprised to find how much we felt we were at a park in the mountains without traveling far out of the city at all. This is definitely one of the best kept secrets in the Seattle area.
Lovely picnic area right next to the parking lot surrounded by trees

Things To Know:
  • Parking is free!
  • There are miles of park to explore here
  • Great accommodation for horses: huge trailer parking lot (separate from main parking lot), hitching post, mounting block
  • No dogs allowed 
  • Perfect place to explore on a sunny or drizzly day
  • Restrooms located at the main entrance 
      Take 520 East
      Continue onto Avondale Rd.
      Veer right onto Novelty Hill Rd.
      Continue up hill, look for "Redmond Watershed Preserve" sign
      Park entrance will be on the left

The Watershed's glowing forest on a sunny day

Have a great time on the trails!
Head on out Around Puget Sound...and Beyond


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